Vino „Инат“

Opis vina:

Kompleksan i prefinjen ukus ovog vina srednjeg tijela će preplaviti vaša čula i osvježiti vas svojom aromom. Buke i završnica su u savršenoj ravnoteži koja se postiže tako što se vino čuva u malim hrastovim buradima.
Ovo puterasto ujednačeno vino savršeno ide uz elegantne lagane noći.



Kompleksan i prefinjen ukus ovog vina srednjeg tela će preplaviti vaša čula i zagrejati vas svojom aromom. Buke i završnica su u savršenoj ravnoteži koja se postiže tako što se vino čuva u malim hrastovim buradima.
Ovo puterasto ujednačeno vino savršeno ide uz elegantne lagane noći.

SKU: 2 Categories: ,

Vino „Inat“

Densely perfumed once the first notes hit your nose, this is a fresh and summery wine. Although not overly complex, it displays a variety of intriguing aromas, with an incredible finish of a hint of lime and pear. This light-bodied crisp wine pairs perfectly with late summer afternoons

O Tamjanici

Atipično vino u svakom smislu i pogledu. Razbijač stereotipa i namjenjeno samo onima spremnim na izlazak iz komforne zone. Vino koje se uklapa i u tople ljetnje noći i mrsi konce bijelim vinima.

Detalji o vinu

Nastalo od sorte Crna Tamjanika, mazena i pazena u Dobrskom Selu na istorijskoj lokaciji u rejonu gdje se rodilo vinarstvo Crne Gore. Svoju novu postojbinu je pronasla u decembru 2016 gdje se i epski borila za zivot vec krajem aprila 2017. godine od kada svaki prezivjeli cokot nosi stvarne oziljke dok oko 15% zasada nije prezivjelo borbu sa upornim mrazem. Iako mlad zasad koji tek „uci svoje prve korake“, prvi rod 2019. godine ostavlja nas u nestrpljenju i mislima – kakvo tek cudo treba da ocekujemo u punoj zrelosti cokota?  Vino muskatnog karaktera, mirisa i palete koja se vec decenijama i vjekovima u Crnoj Gori ne srijece, opcinjujuce rubin boje, srednjeg tijela sa blagom sortnom gorčinom i očaravajućeg završetka. Vino koje ce vas zaustaviti, vino koje ce vas zamisliti i nesporno namamiti da ispijete još par gutljaja. Ali i dalje vam ništa nece biti jasno…

Priča iza vina

Slučajnosti ne postoje, sve se dešava sa razlogom. Tako i tog dana kad me je otac pozvao i rekao – „Slušaj, gledao sam emisiju o vinu i pominjali su Crnu Tamjaniku“. Poznavajući ga, kao i njegovo tanano znanje o vinu i vinskim sortama odgovorio sam – „pobrkao si to nešto“ i smijući se pomislio – „kakve sve gluposti neću čuti“. Ali… Ta ’glupost’ me kopkala iz sata u sat i nakon malo istraživanja našao sam par tekstova o Crnoj Tamjanici, te 2016. godine nepoznanici i medju ljubiteljima vina i vinogradarstva. Sorta koja je preživjela vjekove i filokseru ali za dlaku nije moderno doba. A kad kazem moderno doba mislim na industrijalizaciju, komercijalizaciju, trendove i težnnju da se proizvodi sa malo rada, nimalo rizika i u velikom obimu. A Crna Tamjanika je sve suprotno od navedenog. I to je bio jasan poziv za nas, da u ’Инат’ svemu zasadimo bas nju, uz njenu borbu i ’Инат’ da opstane i vrati slavu. Sve do prve rodne godine nismo znali da smo izabrali igru sa vatrom, iako su nas tiho upozoravali. Tako se ispostavilo da je Crna Tamjanika možda i najzahtjevnija sorta na svijetu, kako u vinogradu tako i u podrumu.


Jedini na svijetu, matični vinograd ove sorte nalazi se u Negotinu (Srbija)  i to u tamošnjoj poljoprivrednoj školi i komšijskom Manastiru Bukovo odakle je naravno potekao i sadni materijal našeg vinograda. Specifično je da su varijacije ove sorte izuzetno rijetke i njeni bliski srodnici mogu se naći jos i u Austriji pod imenom Rosenmuskateller, Hrvatskoj pod imenom Muskat Ruza, u Italiji i njenoj sjevernoj pokrajini Alto Adige pod imenom Moscato Rosa i u Francuskoj pod imenom Muscat des Roses Noir. Toliko je rijetka da se svrstava u kategoriju ’statističke greške’. Obzirom da su muskatne sorte najstarije poznate vinske sorte postoji ogroman broj prirodnih mutacija koje se dešavaju milenijumima pa je gotovo nemoguće otkriti tačno porijeklo Crne Tamjanike. Kao i Bijela dobila je ime po tamjanu i njegovoj izuzetnoj aromatici koja krasi ovo vino.

O boci

Samo ime koje nosi „La Divine“ predstavlja jasnu teznju ka Bozanstvenoscu, savrsenstvu… Predstavlja sami svjetski vrh elite zvana – Burgundy stil boca. Boca predstavlja savrsenstvo do najsitnijeg detalja, cini blend moci i besprekorne elegancije.


Drzi svjetske rekorde za najvisu i najtezu u svojoj klasi. Remek djelo i pravom smislu rijeci.

O zatvaraču

Jedna od najvecih boljki vinarstva danas i od ogromne vaznosti za nas. Ko je kupio i cuvao bocu za specijalnu priliku a nakon otvaranja naisao na pokvareno vino, zna o cemu je rijec.


Uz garanciju zdravlja vina od ogromne vaznosti je i optimalan tok zrenja vina kroz garantovanu kolicunu transfera kiseonika. Obzirom da Tamjanika posjeduje najbolji potencijal u prvim godinama nas izbor je Diam 5, dimenzije 47mm

Tehnologija prozivodnje

Rucna berba – odvajanje peteljke i muljanje – hladna maceracija 48h – dodavanje kvasaca – burna fermentacija u inoxu 8 dana na kontrolisanoj temperaturi uz potapanje – postfermentativna maceracija 36h – otakanje i tiha fermentacija – pretakanje i bistrenje – djelimično odležavanje u novim drvenim sudovima (Barique LT) – kupažairanje – stabilizacija i filtriranje – odlezavanje u boci 5 mjeseci

Godina i berba 2019.

Vrlo karakteristična i vrlo zahtjevna u vinogradu. Pupljenje i prvi lastari krecu vec početkom aprila zahvaljujuci toplim i sunčanim danima tokom gotovo cijelog mjeseca. Najizazovniji period je bio maj koji je donio cak 25 kišnih dana gotovo nezapamćenih za taj mjesec i dnevne temperature oko 20 stepeni sto je odložilo cvjetanje.


Preko noci 30. maja temperatura se popela na 30+ stepeni i imali smo izuzetno toplo i sušno ljeto. Septembar je najavio blage padavine oko 15. dana u mjesecu sto je pokrenulo berbu u većini zemlje izmedju 10 i 13 septembra.

Vino u brojkama


  • 13,9%


  • 5,6g/L

    ukupne kiseline

pH 3.57, SO2 56mg/l, relativna gustina 0.9910g/cm3, ukupan ekstrakt 28 g/l,temperatura sluzenja 16ºC, najbolje piti do: 2025

Uparuje se najbolje sa

Vino srednjeg tijela najbolje ide u paru sa bijelim mesom, nikako sa teškim masnim crvenim mesima. Od sireva najviše mu gode tvrdi sirevi, dobro odležali poput našeg nacionalnog specijaliteta “Njeguški sir”. Takodje uklapa se sa parmezanom i odležalim kozijim sireima. Za one koji vole rižoto perfektno se uklapa sa crnim rižotom ili pak rižotom sa selekcijama pečurki, a oni koji mogu da priušte jeste naša omiljena kombinacija – Inat i rižoto od crnih tartufa. Ne zaboravimo sve vrste pašta specijaliteta, osim mnogima omiljene Karbonare.

Interesantno je da je ovo vino izuzetno začinskog karaktera pa samim tim nemojte štedjeti na začinima, ma koje jelo od navedenih da spremate.

Wine “Inat”

Description of the wine:​

The complex and refined taste of this medium-bodied wine will overwhelm your senses and refresh you with its aroma. The nose and finish are in perfect balance, which is achieved by aging the wine in small oak 225l barrels.
This fruty and spicy wine goes perfectly with elegant nights.



A complex and refined taste of a medium-bodied wine will overwhelm your senses in a warming and aromatic manner. The bouquet and the finish of will convey a perfect balance which has been obtained by keeping the wine in small oak barrels.

SKU: 2 Categories: ,

Vino „Inat“

Densely perfumed once the first notes hit your nose, this is a fresh and summery wine. It’s very complex and it displays a variety of intriguing fruty, herbal and spicy aromas, with an incredible finish of a hint of lime and pear. This medium-bodied crisp wine is something you never experienced before, we guarantee!

About Tamjanika

Atypical wine in every sense and aspect. A stereotype breaker and intended only for those ready to step out of the comfort zone. A wine that matches with warm summer nights and chalenges white wines.

Details about wine

Created of grape variety Black Tamjanika, pampered in Dobrsko Selo, historical location, just next to Crmnica where Montenegrin winegrowing and winemaking was born centuries ago. Black Tamjanika found her new home in December 2016, where she even fought for life with morning frost at the end of April 2017. From that days every our vine bears real scars, and 15% of vines didn’t survive. Although it’s a young vineyard that is just “learning its first steps”, the first harvest in 2019. leaves us with impatience and thoughts – what kind of miracle should we expect in full maturity? A wine with a muscat character, aroma and palette that has not been found in Montenegro for decades and centuries, an enchanting ruby color, medium-bodied with a slight varietal bitterness and an enchanting finish. A wine that will stop you, a wine that will make you think and indisputably entice you to take a few more sips. But still nothing will be clear to you…

The story behind the wine

There are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason. So that day when my father called me and said – “Listen, I watched a show about wine and they mentioned Black Tamjanika.” Knowing him, as well as his subtle knowledge of wine and wine varieties, I replied – “you confused something” and laughing I thought – “what nonsenses I will hear…” But… That ‘nonsense’ dug me up hour by hour and after a bit of research I found a couple of texts about Crna Tamjanica, in 2016 true stranger even among wine and viticulture lovers. A variety that has survived for centuries and phylloxera too, but for just a tiny bit didn’t survive a modern age. And when I say modern age, I mean industrialization, commercialization, trends and the tendency to produce with little work, no risk and on a large scale. But Black Tamjanika is the opposite of what has been said. And that was a clear invitation for us, to plant in just in ‘Inat’, together with her struggle and ‘Inat’ to survive and restore glory. Until our first harvest, we did not know that we had chosen to play with fire, although we were quietly warned. So it turned out that Crna Tamjanika is perhaps the most demanding variety in the world, both in the vineyard and in the cellar.

Interesting fact

The only parent vineyard of this variety is located in Negotin (Serbia) in the local agricultural school and the neighboring Monastery Bukovo, where of course the planting material of our vineyard came from. Specifically, variations of this variety are extremely rare and its close relatives can also be found in Austria under the name Rosenmuskateller, in Croatia under the name Muskat Ruza, in Italy and its northern province of Alto Adige under the name Moscato Rosa and in France under the name Muscat des Roses Noir. It is so rare that it is sorted into the category of ‘statistical error’. Since muscat varieties are the oldest known wine varieties, there are a huge number of natural mutations that have been happening for millennia, so it is almost impossible to discover the exact origin of Black Tamjanika. Like Bijela Tamjanika, it is named after the incense and its exceptional aromas that adorn this wine.

About the bottle

The very name that “La Divine” represents a clear aspiration towards Divinity, perfection… It represents the very top of the world’s elite called – Burgundy style bottles. The bottle represents perfection down to the smallest detail, makes a blend of power and impeccable elegance.


It holds world records for the highest and heaviest in his class. A masterpiece in the true meaning of the word.

About the cork

One of the biggest issues of winemaking today and of immense importance to us. Anyone who bought and kept a bottle for a special occasion and came across rotten wine after opening it, knows the importance of the cork.


In addition to guaranteeing the health of the wine, the optimal flow of the oxygen through the cork and stable wine maturation are of great importance for us. Since Tamjanika has the best potential in the first years, our choice is Diam 5, dimensions 47mm.


Hand picking – desteaming and mulching – cold maceration for 48h – addition of yeast – wild fermentation in a Inox vessel for 8 days at a controlled temperature using periodical punch downs – post ferment maceration for 36 hours – racking and „quiet“ fermentation – racking and clarification – 80% of the wine is being aged in new 225 liter LT oak barrique – stabilization and filtration – againg in the bottle for 5 months

Vintage 2019 and harvest

Very characteristic and very demanding in the vineyard. The budding and the first shoots start as early as the beginning of April, thanks to the warm and sunny days during almost the whole month. The most challenging period was May, which brought as many as 25 rainy days almost unprecedented for that month followed by daily temperatures around 20 degrees, what delayed flowering.


Overnight on May 30 the temperature rised to 30+ degrees and we had an extremely hot and dry summer. September brought us mild rainfall around the 15th of the month, triggering a harvest in most of the country between September 10th and 13th.

Wine in numbers


  • 13,9%


  • 5,6g/L

    Total acids

pH 3.57, SO2 56 mg / l, relative density 0.9850gr, total extract 28 g / l, serving temperature 16 ºC, best to drink until: end of 2025

Pairs best with

Medium-bodied wine goes best paired with white meat, don’t try with heavy fatty red meats. Of the cheeses, it likes hard cheeses the most, aged well like Montenegrin national specialty “Njeguški sir”. It also goes well with parmesan and aged goat cheese. For those who like risotto, it fits perfectly with black risotto or risotto with selections of mushrooms, and those who can afford it is our favorite combination – Inat and black truffle risotto. Let’s not forget all kinds of pasta specialties, except for many of us favorite one – Carbonara.

It is interesting that this wine has an extremely spicy character, so do not avoid spices, no matter which of the dishes you prepare.