Markovic estate

Vinarija i imanje Marković se nalaze u malom selu po imenu Dobrsko selo, nedaleko od Cetinja, na pola sata Budve, Podgorice i na sat vremena od drugih značajnijih crnogorskih gradova. Imanje se sastoji od vinograda i vinarije, smještajnih kapaciteta i restorana, posebnog prostora za konferencije i proslave, suvenirnice i okruženo je netaknutom prirodom.

Gdje se nalazi imanje Markovića

Dobrsko selo je smješteno u prostranoj i dubokoj uvali između tri brda, Dobrstak, Vrtijeljka i Ceklinstak, na nadmorskoj visini od 320m. Udaljeno je svega nekoliko kilometara od Cetinja, kraljevske prijestonice Crne Gore. Nekada dobro poznato područje, danas ovo selo predstavlja živo svjedočanstvo nekadašnjem izgledu tradicionalnih crnogorskih sela.

Zbog svoje pozicije, selo ima pogodnu klimu i izuzetno pogodno zemljište za uzgoj vinove loze. S obzirom na to da je Dobrsko selo na početku 20. veka bilo u srcu tadašnje Crne Gore, uspjelo je da zadrži svoju strogo čuvanu tradiciju, duh i običaje.

Danas, po gruboj procjeni, u selu živi 20-ak stanovnika i svako od njih će vas pozdraviti poput starog znanca, uvek spremni da pročavrljaju i ispričaju vam nešto o istoriji područja.

O manastiru Dobrska Ćelija

Dobrsko selo, između ostalog, poznato je i po Manastiru Ćelija Dobrska koje pripada Mitropoliji Crnogorsko-Primorskoj. Inicijalno, Manastir je bio ćelija – samica u doba ratova, pa otuda i naziv „Ćelija“. Tek kasnije prerasta u manastirski kompleks.

Manastir je sagrađen u 15. vijeku, u vrijeme Ivana Crnojevića, i smatra se metohom Cetinjskog manastira. Manastirska Crkva je posvećena Uspenju Presvete Bogorodice, a u narodu je poznata i kao 'Crkva Svete Gospođe.'

Konak manastira je od posebne arhitektonske vrijednosti, sa prizemljem izgrađenim u obliku serije lukova napravljenih od finog kamena. Konak je jedan od najljepših i najbolje sačuvanih primjera narodne arhitekture u sklopu sakralnog kompleksa.

U kompleksu manastira je sahranjen mitropolit cetinjski, Sava Očinić. Danilo I Petrović Njegoš i Petar II Petrović Njegoš su pohađali školu u ovom manastiru. Petar II Petrović Njegoš je 1842. otvorio narodnu školu u manastiru u Dobrskom Selu, kao drugu školu otvorenu u tada slobodnom dijelu Crne Gore. Škola je radila u okviru manastira do 1948. godine.

Za razliku od drugih manastira, Turci nisu oštetili manastir Dobrska Ćelija i ne postoje zapisi da je ikada bio spaljivan ili oštećen.

Tokom posjete imanju i vinariji Marković, preporučujemo da izdvojite djelić vremena da obiđete ovu istorijsku znamenitost Crne Gore.

Cooking school

Gastronomic delight prepared by joint efforts. Your cooking day would start with a tour in the vineyards, wine cellars and then a tour of our organic gardens and orchards. After meeting with the estate, you will be introduced to our cheef with who you determine the desired recipes that you would like to learn and taste – namely the appetizer, main course and dessert. Then, with the instructions and accompaniment of the cheef, you start discovering the secrets of our specialties. When the dishes are prepared, there is an expert evaluation of the dishes and the cheef will suggest perfect match with our wines. Maximum 4 people.


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Summer stage

The emphasis on culture permeates the entire business concept of Markovic Winery and Estate Markovic. Starting from various works of art that enrich our estate, landscapes, and orientation of the estate and vineyards in the form of a large amphitheater, all the way to artistically signed gastro and wine products and cultural events that will take place on our estate. Our goal is to support all artists, non-established and affirmed, all those with an artistic soul and ideas who want to express their talents and skills, all under special benefits. That is why we have enriched our property with a summer stage that can accommodate up to 100 people ready for unique and unforgettable evenings among the vines, clear sky and in a traditional Mediterranean ambience. A unique offer for a unique experience.


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Tent camping

Nature is at the core of everything we do, which is why camping within the Markovic Winery and Estate is an indispensable offer. Set up your tent in a specially arranged camping area and unite with nature with a fabulous view over the vineyards and the countryside, and spend the nights by the campfire and the view of the crystal clear sky bathed in millions of stars easily visible due to the distance from city lights. The camping zone is equipped with electricity, water, toilets, barbecue places, open-air cinema, children’s playground…


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Riding electric bikes and cave visit

You cannot be adoring nature and not caring for it. We are big supporters of electrification and renewable energy sources. In accordance with that, we organize almost all movements through the property and Dobrsko selo on bicycles. We offer you a unique cycling experience with a visit to the sights in the immediate vicinity. Due to the hilly environment and sharp climbs, help in the form of electrification is welcome to all who are not in perfect shape. One of the most important attractions in the country is the Lipa Cave, which is 3.9 km far from Markovic Winery and Estate. The Lipa Cave is a real pearl of nature with its 2.5 km long canals, halls and galleries and is an unavoidable experience.

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Hiking tours

For lovers of active holidays, Markovic Winery and Estate can be a great starting point for exploring surrounding areas. A pedestrian path passes through the village itself, which connects the Crnojevica river (Rijeka Crnojevica) and Cetinje, and it’s the route of King Nikola’s road from the 19th century. From Cetinje, a walking tour leads to Ivanova Korita and Lovcen. At that point there is crossroad towards Njegusi and further to Kotor or to the village of Majstori and further down to Budva or Sveti Stefan. These tours are categorised as more demanding category, so good physical fitness is highly desirable, as well as the highest quality equipment in the form of shoes and cameras or drones.

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Electric car charging station

Caring for our primaeval natural rural setting is at the top of our priorities. One of our goals in the near future is self-sustaining property, ie. property that will operate exclusively from renewable energy sources. Excellent 260+ sunny days a year for us represent a huge potential that we use to produce electricity through solar panels, including the supply of chargers for electric cars. Everyone who visits us with their electric or plug-in vehicle will have a special treatment and free battery charging.


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Sports facilities

Within Markovic Winery and Estate wa also have facilities for recreational and professional athletes. There are courts for futsal, basketball and tennis equipped to professional surface that meets the most rigorous world standards. There are also table tennis, chess and billiards table.

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Pool and spa

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