Our Vision and Story

Marković Vineyards

Welcome to the Marković Vinery and Estate, a place where you’ll drink excellent wine, carefully curated by some of the esteemed experts in the field. A place you’ll remember for its hospitability, authentic decor and a feeling of belonging to a much-forgotten art of joy and love for simple yet delicate pleasures in life, such as a great glass of wine.

What has characterised us, possibly in more than one way, was our persistence to dream. We are, so to say, firm believers in the perseverance of dreams. What’s more, we believe that for our dreams to grow, we must dare dream them first.

The dream of founding an estate rested on our love of wine and the desire for the life we consider worth living. The one being lived with nature and within it, while staying humble before it.

Marković vinery is a family project. Although we are inclined to call it a business, the vinery is much more than a mere company that makes wine, organizes events and invites people to celebrate their cherished moments with us.

Here we believe in the love towards everything one creates to be the core of every establishment - whatever its influence and intentions. And while for us, devotion and nurture to that which we love are the essences of the Marković Estate, we want our guests and visitors to feel at home as they move through the vineyard, drink our wine, stay at our carefully constructed rooms, or commemorate the precious moments in their lives.

We transpired to create a place where one can encounter peace and calm and seek true hospitality. A place that gathers all those who wish to experience a simpler and slower-paced time while enjoying perfectly crafted drops of the divine drink.

It would, however, be understandable for one to attribute our actions to a smoothly veiled marketing plan or a wish to derive great profits in an up an coming tourist destination. While both are fair assumptions, neither hold truth.

For us, it will always be the strive for great wine, while letting things fall in their rightful place without being forced into developing. But also, keeping in mind that it is balance, discipline and respect for the terroir that has brought us here.

And, whenever the doubt arises, feel free to second guess it and test us. We surely did.